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P O R T R A I T 2019
Une nouvelle direction créative pour 2019... Je peindrais des portraits en couleurs... inspirés des 4 coins du mondes...
Peut-être vous vous reconnaîtrez dans mes visages... N’hésitez pas à identifier vos amis si vous les reconnaissez!
A new creative direction for 2019... I will paint colourful portraits... from all the edges of the world...
Perhaps they will look familiar to you...
Feel free to identify your friends if you recognize them!
T R E S G R A N D F O R M A T | XL
ADRIANA "portrait 11" | 120x120cm | CLÉO "portrait 12" | 120x120cm | JOHNNY "portrait 8" | 120x80cm |
G R A N D F O R M A T | L
NATH "portrait 20" | 100x100cm | ZIGGY "portrait 3" | 100x100cm | MARILYN "portrait 10" | 100x100cm |
PRISCILLA "portrait 5" | 100x100cm | LUNA "portrait 9" | 100x100cm | EDEN "portrait 15" | 100x100cm |
JIMMY "portrait 16" | 100x100cm | ZORA "portrait 13" | 100x100cm |
F O R M A T M O Y E N | M
LUCIE "portrait 1" | 80x80cm | FRIDA "portrait 14" | 80x80cm | KIMCHEE "portrait 7" | 80x80cm |
FATOU "portrait 4" | 80x80cm | DIANA "portrait 6" | 80x80cm | MARGOT "portrait 2" | 80x80cm |
I N F O R M A T I ON S ?
Q U E S T I O N S ?
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